Pets force us to be mindful during an era of constant stimulation and over thinking. They teach us to put down our phones and turn our heads away from the television.

The Emotional Benefits That Come From Owning A Pet

February 21, 2019

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For Those of You Who Are Animal Lovers: The Emotional Benefits That Come From Owning A Pet

February 21, 2019

By: Jennifer Seip

Hi everyone! If you don’t feel like reading, click this link for my full video! The Emotional Benefits That Come From Owning A Pet

You had to know this was coming. Eventually, I was going to write about my dog/best friend, Jamo, (Short for Jamison.) My love for her runs deep through my veins and I tear up when I think of a future life without her.

Jamo fills my love bucket every day! In the moments when I feel lonely or down, Jamo comes running to where ever I’m at. Just incase you’re still in need of some convincing about how awesome she is, here is a short list of all that’s wonderful.

  1. She always snuggles with me.

  2. She stares into my eyes and tells me that she loves me.

  3. Jamo plays with me and makes me laugh!

  4. She also joins me for walks and even the occasional camping trip.

  5. She guards the house and acts as my personal body guard/home security system.

  6. My pet gives me hugs and kisses!

  7. She reassures me that I’m her number one.

  8. Jamo even lets ME lay on top of HER!

I mean, she’s really amazing everyone; Clearly, I can’t say enough good things! Thus, today’s blog post has been written for those who are animal lovers like myself, (and no judgement here if they just aren’t your thing.)

The Emotional Benefits That Come From Having A Pet.

Dogs keep you active! 

Firstly, dogs force you to run around, go for walks and wake up early (sometimes.) They help their adult best friends stay in shape. This in turn, transforms to less stress on your mind and body. They keep you healthier!

Secondly, studies suggests that having a cat or dog reduces your risk of having a stroke and increases cardiovascular health!


Pets reduce anxiety and depression! 

Domesticated pets are very smart! They have

Owning A Pet Is Good For Your Mental Health, Philadelphia Counseling and Therapy, Couples, Relationships, Sex Therapy, Individuals, Singles, Adults

This is “Draco Malfoy Heagy.” My friend’s beloved new baby snake. Follow him on instagram @dracothesnako

learned through evolution to love and communicate with their humans as a means of survival. Furthermore, humans have learned the same thing.

For example, pets keep us calm by reassuring us. They tell their companions that they love them, depend on them, and they give humans purpose! Humans need purpose.

Pets force us to get up, and take care of them every day. Pets also understand human emotions. Although some are better at it than others. Pets comfort you when you are sad, anxious, and even scared!


Animals protect against allergies!

Did you know that if you expose a child from ages 0 – 4 to a domesticated pet that their chance of developing eczema and asthma is greatly reduced?

I understand not wanting a pet for the opposite reason (having already developed allergies,) but how cool it that?!


Animals bring us into to the present. 

Have you ever just watched your animal sleep

Owning A Pet Is Good For Your Mental Health, Philadelphia Counseling and Therapy, Couples, Relationships, Sex Therapy, Individuals, Singles, Adults

“Cleo,” AKA “Quay Quay.” My sister-in-law’s love, on her cat camera.

or play? Or do something quirky just because they want to?

Pets force us to be mindful during an era of constant stimulation and over thinking. They teach us to put down our phones and turn our heads away from the television. They don’t mind being watched and adored. Consequently  forcing us to be in the present.

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