Meet Us

Who It's For

There are many different reasons why Individuals and Couples attend relationship therapy for their mental health. Some folks are in crisis and seeking to repair their relationship fast.  While others are experiencing a shift in their dynamic and want guidance as they embrace a change. Whatever it is - if you want long-term therapy or short-term counseling we are here for it.

Couples therapy is for anyone looking to improve their relationship issues with their partner. And making your relationship work is just as important to us as it is for you. We are here to honor your commitment and create a safe space for each of you. At Be Well, you will feel heard, understand each other, grow as a team, and leave having had a positive therapy experience.

Meet Us

Yes! It absolutely works. Your couples therapist is going to choose a strategy that is unique to your relationship and your life. Life is messy and people are complicated! We don't use a one-size-fits-all approach. Instead, we want to hear what each of you has to say. We want to learn about your past experiences with each other, your relationship dynamic, and your goals, to teach you how to form a healthier attachment.

The first step is meeting you as a couple. (We want to really get to know you and learn what your goals are for therapy.) Then your therapist will develop a strategy and keep you in the loop as counseling progresses!

From there your therapist will guide you by using a combination of psychoeducation, systemic therapy approaches, and homework assignments.

Your Relationship Therapy Plan


Does Couples Therapy (marriage counseling) Work?

A little bit of chaos is common for relationships, but not easy. 

Our clients come from all walks of life with many different issues. Generally, folks who choose to see us have anxiety or depression, issues with communication, sexual issues, neurodivergence, OCD, and more. 

Relationship Therapy Services

Opening up your relationship and normalizing ethical Non-Monogamy
Conflict Resolution
Affairs and Infidelity
Communication Difficulties
Sexual Desire Discrepancy
Long-term Relationships
Major Life Transitions, i.e. new child, death, career decisions, etc.
Mental Health

Areas Of Expertise


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