Do you struggle with people-pleasing? Here are three tips to stop being a people-pleaser. August 23, 2020 By Jennifer Seip
What are support systems and why are they important? By: Jennifer Seip, LMFT, MA “If I was truly happy with myself, then I wouldn’t feel like I need other people,” is something I hear all the time. As a society, we’ve been taught that the thermometer for happiness lies partly with being able to be […]
Yes, Seasonal Depression Is A Real Thing! April 9, 2019 By, Jennifer Seip, LMFT, MA Click this link to watch my video all about seasonal depression! Has anyone else been thinking that this winter has been way too long? Every year around this time, I start to get really antsy for a vacation. I feel […]
For Those of You Who Are Animal Lovers: The Emotional Benefits That Come From Owning A Pet February 21, 2019 By: Jennifer Seip Hi everyone! If you don’t feel like reading, click this link for my full video! The Emotional Benefits That Come From Owning A Pet You had to know this was coming. Eventually, […]
By: Jennifer Seip, LMFT, MA click here for my video! Grief is sad. Grief is scary. Furthermore, grief is confusing. If you’ve experienced grief yourself, for someone you once knew, a family member, a friend, a lost loved one, or you’ve experienced it in the form of a break up or move, the you […]
Do you lack motivation? Here are some things that might help. January 9, 2019 By: Jennifer Seip, LMFT, MA This morning I woke up and did not want to get out of bed. In fact, I wanted to stay in bed so bad that I got up, walked my dog, and then got back under […]
One of the most common issues people bring to our sessions is not knowing how to get through their feelings. We therapists call this processing. For many of us, feeling our feelings is not something we have much experience with. Sadness, anger, fear and grief, can be confusing emotions that have the capability of completely […]
Learn more about some of the fascinating powers of your brain! 12/5/18 By: Jennifer Seip, LMFT, MA Have you ever heard someone refer to humans as left brain dominant? Do you even know what that means? Well today I’m going to tell you exactly what that means and how to get more out of your […]
The importance of having self compassion. By, Jennifer Seip I am definitely a believer in a bit of self disclosure. Some therapists are not, but if you haven’t already discovered from watching my videos and reading my blog posts, I am. Lately I’ve been a bit out of sorts, even a little down. This […]
What do you do when you have toxic people in your life? How to deal with toxic people 11/1/18 By: Jennifer Seip, LMFT Who are toxic people? I know what you’re thinking, this post was made for you! We all have that one person, (or two or three) in our lives who we consider to […]
Break up healing strategies 11/26/17 By: Jennifer Seip, LMFT When a partner of mine broke-up with me some years ago, I wasn’t ready. It came as a shock. I thought that we were doing fine. In my head, I had planned what we would be together during the holidays. I thought about where we would […]
I just finished watching last night’s season 7 finale of HBO’s Game of Thrones and man, it was a good one. Don’t worry, there are no spoilers here. For those of you who like it, you know it’s pretty much about dysfunctional families who are fighting to survive, (too bad there were no systemic therapists […]